SSW | 特定技能
The "Specified Technical Skills" is one of the new statuses of residence established in 2019, which allows you to work in Japan. The period of stay can be extended for up to 5 years by renewal. Upon acceptance, the applicant's skills and Japanese language proficiency will be verified through an examination.
The "Specified Technical Skills" program was established to address labor shortages in certain industrial fields where it is difficult to secure human resources. Currently, only the following 14 industries are eligible for the program. The following 14 industries are currently eligible for the program: nursing care, building cleaning, materials industry, industrial machinery manufacturing, electrical and electronic information-related industries, construction, automobile maintenance, lodging, shipbuilding and shipbuilding, aviation, agriculture, food and beverage manufacturing, fishing, and restaurant industry.
In order to obtain a Specified Technical Visa and work in Japan, you must pass the corresponding skill evaluation test and Japanese language proficiency test. Japanese language proficiency is required to pass the JFT-Basic or JLPT N4 or higher. This is said to be the minimum level of Japanese language proficiency required to live in Japan.
Revisions to the "specified skills" system are currently under discussion. The Japanese government will deliberate on the revision of the system from 2023 onward, including the extension of the period of stay, which is currently set at a maximum of five years, and the approval of family stays.
特定技能ビザを取得し、日本で労働するためには、技能実習からの移行の他、就労分野に対応する技能評価試験と日本語能力試験に合格する必要があります。日本語の語学力は、JFT-Basic合格または、JLPT N4以上とされています。これは、日本で生活をする際の最低限度の日本語力と言われています。