Japanese Exam | 日本語試験
There are several tests to measure Japanese language proficiency. The test to be taken differs according to the purpose of studying Japanese. Two typical tests are introduced below.
Japanese-Language Proficiency Test
The Japanese Language Proficiency Test, commonly known as the JLPT. The JLPT is one of the most common certifications required for foreigners to enter universities or to find employment, with levels ranging from beginner N5 to advanced N1. The JLPT is administered twice a year, in July and December. The JLPT is also administered overseas. Please check here for the implementation status. The test consists of questions in the three areas of language and knowledge (letters, vocabulary, and grammar), reading comprehension, and listening comprehension. It is a mark-sensing examination, and a pass/fail notification will be sent out approximately one month later.
日本語能力試験、通称 JLPTです。これは、レベルが初級N5から上級N1まであり、外国人が大学へ進学する際や就職する際に、必要とされることが多い資格の1つです。大学進学は、N2以上を必須としている大学が多いです。JLPTは、7月と12月、年に2回実施されます。海外でも実施されています。実施状況は、こちらを確認してください。この試験は、言語・知識(文字・語彙・文法)、読解、聴解の3分野から出題されます。マークシート式の試験で、約1ヶ月後に合否通知が発送されます。
Japan Foundation Test for Basic Japanese
This exam was created to coincide with the start of the Specified Skilled Workers in April 2019. There is only one level, which is said to be the "minimum level of Japanese required for living in Japan. The JFT-Basic can also be used to prove Japanese language proficiency required for specific skills. Dates and number of times vary from country to country. Please refer to this page.
The test consists of questions in the four areas of writing and vocabulary, conversation and expression, listening comprehension, and reading comprehension. This test is conducted through Computer-Based Testing(CBT). Questions are set and answered on computers at lest centers in each country.
この試験は、文字と語彙、会話と表現、聴解、読解の4分野から出題されます。(CBT:Computer Based Testing)方式により行われ、合否結果は、受験後すぐにわかります。